Evergreen Polled Herefords is a located in Old Town, Florida. On our farm, Evergreen, we raised registered polled Herefords. The white face of the Hereford is a recognized beef animal by producers of all breeds as well by the consumer. Herefords offer a tender and palatable product with a leaner meat with excellent marbeling that results in a delicious meal time after time.
We offer 2 ways for the public to buy our meat. First, by the individual cut, our USDA inspected meat is available at our farm store in Cross City, Florida. We package and ship directly to your door using dry ice and coolers to assure the meat is ready to pop into your freezer or continue thawing in your refrigerator for immediate enjoyment. Or those living locally, can pick up their meat at 91 NE 26th Street in Cross City (one block behind the post office.)
Others in our immediate area can purchase a quarter, half or whole animal and have it butchered to their specifications. We use Newberry Cold Storage to provide the slaughter, cut and wrap for this segment of our operation. For purchasers living in northwest Florida or south Alabama, we can include a whole animal when we take our crop in for processing at the USDA inspected facility at Esto, Fl . Esto Custom Meats will cut and package your beef to your specifications and you can pick it up there.
Questions? Or more information. Contact us during the week at 352-498-0880, or evenings and weekends at 352-542-7135.
Tired of tasteless beef from the grocery store.? Unsure of what all those hormones and steroids are doing to your body? Our hormone and steroid free beef offers you the assurance that the meat is tasty and there are no growth additives.
The hind quarter or the fore quarter-what comes from where?
Rib steaks, chuck roasts, and chuck steaks are the main
cuts from the forequarter. There's also short ribs and arm roasts.
The hind quarter is where you find the T bone and sirloin. The loin (as in filet mignon) is pulled from the top of the T bone and the sirloin. The rump roast gets its name from its location on the hind quarter. Just under it you find the sirloin tip and round.
Just thinking about steak makes me hungry!